Daily Archives: June 12, 2012

Body Odor – Telltale Sign of Age – Interview With Dr. Johan Lundström | MedIndia

Body Odor – Telltale Sign of Age – Interview With Dr. Johan Lundström | MedIndia

 Interview based on ‘The Smell of Age: Perception and Discrimination of Body Odors of Different Ages’ by Dr. Johan Lundström of Monell University elicits details on natural scent of a person.


What Causes Snoring and its Treatment? | Medindia

What Causes Snoring and its Treatment? | Medindia

 Turbulent airflow causes tissues of the nose and throat to vibrate and the noise produced by these vibrations is called snoring.


Improved Survival in BRAF-Mutated Melanoma With Trametinib | MedIndia

Improved Survival in BRAF-Mutated Melanoma With Trametinib | MedIndia

 Trametinib, a MEK inhibitor, promotes survival in advanced melanoma patients with mutations in serine–threonine protein kinase B-RAF (BRAF).


Three-drug Regimen and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | MedIndia

Three-drug Regimen and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | MedIndia

 The three-drug regimen may not be a good choice in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.


Alzheimer’s Disease-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prevention-FAQs | Medindia

Alzheimer’s Disease-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prevention-FAQs | Medindia

Alzheimers disease is a common form of dementia affecting areas of the brain, which control memory and intelligence.


Ginseng | Medindia

Ginseng | Medindia

 Encyclopedia section of medindia gives general information about Ginseng